The closet items screen captures (shown below right in the Closet Items," boxes) can be clicked for a larger view. Below I will list each item with an image and their coin cost (if any). And by coin cost, I mean only the silver coin, the kind you can earn in the game and in Style Catch, absolutely no cash items were used in this example! I hope this helps anyone struggling on the level.

- Shoulderlength brown with side swept bangs (comes with game)

- Off-white creme colored sleeveless top (13 coins)
- 3/4 sleeve peach crop with floral trim (43 coins)

- Embroidered light denim cutoff shorts (47 coins)

- Hot pink & orange cork wedge sandals (176 coins)

- Bracelet that comes with came with red stones
- Necklace that comes with game with red gemstone
- Earrings that come with game with red stones

- Blue (comes with game)

- Light natural lipstick (comes with game)

- Pink clutch purse with gold clasp (*** Signature Item)
- Straw sun hat (*** Signature Item)

My "Stunning," three score earning screen capture is shown in the image at left to show this method worked for me.
Keep in mind there are different versions of the game and this may not be possible or work on all of them, so while I can guarantee you this works for me and should for other players, I cannot guarantee that it will work for all players, or that it always will work.

I hope this helps those that may be stuck on this level. Best of luck to my fellow Me Girl players! Please do share your thoughts in a comment! Try this? Try something else? How did it work? Let us know! Thanks!
Only gave two stars... Oh well!
Change the off white top to a turquoise plain tank top. Add black sunglasses and the blue/green eyeshadow with beauty mark & you'll get 3 stars
Also make hair the blonde pony tail with side bangs...I forgot that...3 stars wahoo
I got 3 stars yes!!!
Greeat blog
i don know
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