The "Dream," "angelista," theme seemed straightforward enough, but some aspects, such as makeup, did prove somewhat challenging. I was able to acheive a three star earning look using the items shown and described below. Ive included screen captures of my closet for this level in the "Closet Items," boxes below right, click on the images to enlarge.

- Long stringy brown hair that comes with game

- White sleeveless top (-- coins)

- floor length white skirt (65 coins)

- Strappy white heels (39 coins)

- Bracelet that comes with came with red stones
- Necklace that comes with game with red gemstone
- Earrings that come with game with red stones
- White lace gloves (32 coins)

- None/Fashion Angel's own blue eyes

- Peach blush that comes with game
- Dark pink/mauve iridescent eye-shadow and blush (55 coins)

- White Lace Fan (*** Signature Item)

My "Stunning," three score earning screen capture is shown in the image at left to show this method worked for me.
Keep in mind there are different versions of the game and this may not be possible or work on all of them, so while I can guarantee you this works for me and should for other players, I cannot guarantee that it will work for all players, or that it always will work.

I hope this helps those that may be stuck on this level. Best of luck to my fellow Me Girl players! Please do share your thoughts in a comment! Try this? Try something else? How did it work? Let us know! Thanks!
I tried this one and it worked, except for the hair. I only got two stars. Which is fine because I've literally have been trying to pass the level for weeks. Thank you
@Jen A - I am glad to hear this helped a little but sorry that it didn't get the three stars. If you want three stars on the level still, I'd try adding more accessories to hopefully boost up your score enough for three stars. I know how you feel though, since the game updated I decided to re-do all the levels and post updates on them, well I am stuck stuck stuck on level 65 right now! Arrg! So frustrating! But anyways, I've gotten three stars on all the levels up till 65, and those new examples will be posted soon! Good luck to you and thank you for commenting :)
YEEES!! I got three star on this! thank UUU!
@Henriette95 - Oh awesome! I am so glad to hear it! Thank your for posting so that other visitors know this might work for them, I really appreciate it! Have a super one,
creator of blog
Thank you so much!! I had tried everything I thought, even using cash items but nothing worked until this! I added the white feather carnival looking hat & white stone anklets to boost my accessory score in case I had a different version so that might help some of the 2 star scores people get.
Does not work honestly, it keeps saying gold hair, gold necklace, ball gown and white top white dress. I am so angry
@KKelsey Atkins - You are very welcome! Thank YOU for commenting! I am so glad that this was some help to you! Thank you!
@Hoda Mahmoud - I am sorry to hear that :( I don't know why it works for some and not for others, thats is very upsetting to me.
Going by what your results said, I played the level again, I used the long wavy Blonde golden hair (from Pin up Level 17) , the white ballgown/ wedding dress with the baby blue band with a butterfly design on it around the waist, the white stone anklet that Kelsey mentioned in her comment, the white lace fan, white lace gloves, gold necklace with red gemstone that came with the game and the earrings and bracelet that matched it, white heels (closed toe) - and I got three stars using that as well, maybe something like that will work for you too. When I get a chance I will post it too. Good luck to you!
OK... I tried using this... I had everything that U had on. I still got "disaster.. I don't understand what I did wrong...
Wait you said that it doesn't cost any cash but it does. I have like no money in Style Me Girl and I can't buy any cause it costs real money and I can't install the apps because I don't want to waste my storage space on apps I won't even use. Is there a free way to pass this level? Thanks
Hi, I have been stuck on this level for weeks and I've tried on everything mentioned and it is still not working. Keeps saying I need a ball gown. Any ideas. Should I reboot it?
Hi, I have been stuck on this level for weeks and I've tried on everything mentioned and it is still not working. Keeps saying I need a ball gown. Any ideas. Should I reboot it?
It is not working it says I need ball gown gold hair and jewelry and when I use it changes to what I had last time !!! I hate that is does that!!😣😤😨😱😒😒🙅
Hi had the same problem as Hoda, tried the oufit you suggested, still a disaster!
Hey guys, I've been challenging this level for a while too.U NEED THE PEACOCK LOOKING CHAIN HANGING DOWN TO THE BREAST. It has green n blue n a little brown cost 30 coins in boutique i think,look for a broad feather looking thing.i used it with white suit- white sleeveless top,long white skirt,black n white strappy heels and brown long hair pulled down to the model's back,the model's own eyes,pinkish eyeshadow with pink blush...Good luck,i got 3 stars by the way
White lace fan n short white lace gloves too...u have to put ur thinking caps on and think out side the box with this level
White lace fan n short white lace gloves too...u have to put ur thinking caps on and think out side the box with this level
Non of these are working NOTHING!!! I was having fun until this round
I can't pass this level
@Hoda Mahound tht is wat mine says do everything she did except don't use any makeup and the peacock looking necklace for 30 coins I used the hair from level 19 I only got fair but it worked
didnt work
OK ladies I've been stuck on this level for a long time I may have over spent but it got me 3 stars , so I used ice blue eyes no makeup, 2 silver & gold bracelets,a gold star necklace, white strap heels with the black at the bottom, I did use cash on the dress it cost 7 it's a strapless white dress with gold in the middle and some gold hoop earrings that cost 1 cash now the hairstyle is what gets you the 3 stars you can find it in your closet it's an long golden stringy hair style looks like it may have braids or lil twist & gold luck that Fashion Angel level is STRESSFUL
It is not working.
Ok, so I did all of these, and tones of my own and only get 0 stars!!! I an so frustrated!!
-The same white sleeveless top
-The same long white dress
-The same white gloves
-ONLY the dark pink eyeshadow listed, no other makeup besides that eyeshadow
-The peacock feather necklace
-Two gold bracelets on right hand
-White high heel shoes with black at the bottom
-Gold earrings with an intricate design
-The golden hair the game gives you; the hair that is right above the hair that is the angel's default hair (basically the golden stringy hair above the short, curly hair)
Hope this helped <33
u r the best thank u so much
if u want it to work do it like what in here no more no less
This did not work at all and before I found this I found another website and I wasted seven tickets on a really ugly dress
OMG that worked out so amazingly!!!! I got all stars my first try. TYSM
Thanks baby it works and i got the three stars thank you soooooooo much.
I still got 0 stars...
This website helped me alot I've been stuck on these levels for literal years
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